Làm thế nào pass NOVICE 1 in trượt băng

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Xuất bản 15/12/2016
It's been 3 years since my first skater started skating, so I've seen lots of skaters move through Novice 1 of the Aussie Skate program. My observation has been that most skaters find most of these skills relatively easy to học (ie: are usually passable within a month or two of trying). The "easy" skills are stroking (you don't have to do it especially well at this stage lol), forward 1 foot glides, forward half swizzle pumps on a circle, and backward alternating half swizzle pumps in a straight line. However there are two Novice 1 skills that seem to be harder (and take a good while longer) for many skaters to get: The very young (under 6) skaters tend to have trouble with the backward 1 foot glides because it's tough for them to get enough speed in their backward swizzles to get a good, long, straight, and sufficiently controlled glide (with minimum travel of 1 meter in the knee-raised position). Whereas the older skaters (7+) tend to struggle with the forward slalom. The slalom is the first skill where skaters are actually required to skate on their edges. Switching from one edge to the other and back in coordinated fashion must be fairly tough because I've seen lots of older skaters struggle with this long after they've perfected the rest. I don't know if I've been watching too many baby wizz kids, but the really little ones (4-5 y/o) seem to học forward slalom really quickly - although they generally get stuck on the same level because of the backward 1 foot glides. I've actually seen a couple of little ones passed up to the next level with markedly less than a 1 meter glide backwards - so it's definitely worth asking for a sympathy pass if your skater is super short (assuming they can do everything else). 22nd October, 2013 Coming soon: Nearly 2 years after tossing them away, new safety recommendations send Starly and Prince back to baby booster seats. Wanna see how thrilled they are??
figure skating aussie skate novice 1

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