FREE SKATE 3: 7 y/o wins Aussie Trượt Inter-Rink competition

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Xuất bản 15/12/2016
Cherub skated so well in her first Free Skate 3 competition to place 1st overall. The skaters at this level all skated at such a high standard on this day. Cherub only passed this level and started họcing her program last week after another couple weeks off due to my illness, so we were so happy she remembered it all and got the timing right. Special thanks to our young friend Miss S and her mother who generously allowed us to borrow this beautiful dress again!! NB: Music is Tchaikovsky's Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy. EDITED TO ADD (CHEER NEWS): Starly's L3 cheer team won States this past weekend! 13th September, 2014 Coming soon: Cherub's siblings competed in this one too, but the level one of them competed will surprise you!! (because we're behind on videos due to my illness and repeated hospitalisations ... thanks for bearing with us as we start to upload again this week).
ice skating figure skating figure skater figure skate aussie skate australia skating competition australian 7 year old figure skater beginner skater free skate 3 FS3 FS 3 aussie skate comp 7 year old age 7 aussie skate competition aussie australian skater

Sân Trượt băng Thảo Điền

Sân băng Thảo Điền, Lầu 5, Vincom Mega Mall Thảo Điền, Số 161, Đường Xa Lộ Hà Nội, Phường Thảo Điền, Quận 2, TP Hồ Chí Minh.08.6285 2999 Ext. 7104 Sân trượt băng thật đầu tiên tại Sài Gòn, Website được thành lập từ những thành viên đam mê trượt băng Hockey, trượt băng nghệ thuật, nơi chia sẻ những...

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