Allen Community Ice Rink - Opens November 9, 2009

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Xuất bản 15/12/2016 * Full-sized state of the art ice surface 85 x 200' * General Seating for spectators * Locker rooms, equipment shop, meeting rooms, off-ice trainig rooms, skate rental, broom ball * Open skating sessions, drop in hockey sessions, freestyle sessions, summer camps, skating shows, skating competitions and hockey tournaments * học to Skate program, recreational and competitive hockey and figure skating programs, scout programs, sled hockey, specialty classes, youth and adult hockey programs * Birthday parties, groups, broomball, field trips, fundraisers, and church groups * Home of the State Champs Allen Eagles High School Hockey Team * Home of the NEW CHL team, the Allen Americans Allen Academy of Skating học To Skate Programs Including: Intro to Skating Skills Beginner Hockey Beginner Figure Skating Advance Figure Skating (Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta) Advanced Hockey Skating Classes (Hockey skating with a stick, học to Play) Other Programs Offered: Freestyle Athlete Training Program Hockey Athlete Training Program Freestyle Sessions Ice Shows Figure Skating Competitions Hockey Tournaments Sled Hockey Broomball Mini-mites Youth Hockey League Adult Hockey League Wheels to Blades Programs
figure skating event hockey of city center allen texas americantowns promote

Sân Trượt băng Thảo Điền

Sân băng Thảo Điền, Lầu 5, Vincom Mega Mall Thảo Điền, Số 161, Đường Xa Lộ Hà Nội, Phường Thảo Điền, Quận 2, TP Hồ Chí Minh.08.6285 2999 Ext. 7104 Sân trượt băng thật đầu tiên tại Sài Gòn, Website được thành lập từ những thành viên đam mê trượt băng Hockey, trượt băng nghệ thuật, nơi chia sẻ những...

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