6 y/o wins 2013 CLUB CHAMPION title in Căn bản 1 (trượt băng)

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Xuất bản 15/12/2016
This was my 6 year old boy's first ever competition and he was thrilled to be crowned this year's figure skating Club Champion in Basic 1. Smiley is the exuberant extrovert in our family and it's completely predictable that he excitedly dived right into presenting his program before the music even started. His confidence wasn't the least dented by the public error or correction. It's just a shame the video doesn't capture him calling out to the announcer that he just forgot lol. Smiley happily kept tugging up his too-big pants and skated on. He forgot his standing dip, and when Coach Moresome called out to remind him, he simply changed his glide to a dip glide instead (oops - he's not supposed to do that in Basic 1). I also love that he throws in an un-choreographed jump at the end too. Smiley was the only lucky one in our family to be in one of the many Aussie Skate levels with only a couple of competitors. He's too young to be insulted by winning unopposed, and can now claim (briefly at least lol) that he's undefeated in competition. :-D 6th-7th September, 2013 Coming soon: Starly proves there's nothing she wouldn't do to be a champion.
ice skating figure skating aussie skate australian figure skater australia boy figure skating basic 1 6 year old figure skating boy 6 year old figure skater age 6 beginner skater beginner figure skater

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