2016 Xoay & Jump Trượt băng Competition

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Xuất bản 15/12/2016
This year's Jump & Spin fun club comp for figure skaters was fun but full of surprises. The Preliminary skaters and Elementary skaters were combined as always although both divisions individually far out numbered all the other levels lol. The compulsory jump was a lutz and the compulsory spin was a sit spin - but Shesscintle was one of the few who actually competed a sit spin. Turns out she probably should have done something else but oh well lol. Funnily enough the strongest jumpers didn't do as well as I expected ... I'm thinking maybe it's tough to pull back to execute a single jump when you're concentrating on single-double and double-single jump combinations? Cinty doesn't have that problem yet lol. PS: They don't give out scores and Cinty didn't place in the top 3, so we''ll never know if she even came close to being in the top half or if she was lagging miles behind. No we're not planning to change our address any time soon. Send mail to: LF8F PO Box 1069 Slacks Creek QLD 4127 Australia Click here to visit the LuckyFortune8Family channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/luckyfortune8family Click here to see videos of Shesscinte's SOLO progress in skating skills: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKyUcNgr2R7PJNRyavEaLO0ZfSmFItfhg Click here to see videos of Shescintle and Jayse's PAIRs progress in skating skills: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKyUcNgr2R7POX3oOAlC2rT1B3Zetuh18 Click here to see Shesscintle's SOLO competition & exhibition videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKyUcNgr2R7OhwBE3xFERESRqLVcbGd9_ Click here to see Shesscintle and Jayse's PAIR competition & exhibition videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKyUcNgr2R7P9maIrGKAloWqtKy7aPabq Click here to học why we went broke and how you could help: www.patreon.com/LuckyFortune8Family
ice skating figure skating ice skating competition figure skating competition preliminary skater jump and spin competition spin and jump competition

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