5 year old Smiley's 3rd ICE SKATING lesson

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Xuất bản 15/12/2016
There's such a huge gap between the speed at which boys and girls progress - that's my personal observation anyway. Smiley is just starting to find his feet, but his confidence/bravado is way ahead. He randomly tries 1-foot spins - being entirely happy to predictably crash half a second later. Yet amusingly he dismisses swizzles as being "too hard" even though he can do recognizable forward ones (albeit with no power). Smiley is already asking when he can go in a competition so he can win a medal. Poor baby - I'm not sure how he'll go against all the very serious girls he'll have to compete with in the Aussie Skate (học to skate) levels. 14th February, 2013 Coming soon: The Cherub (Smiley's twin) has begun to achieve some genuinely good spirals.
male ice skating figure skater boy beginner 5 year old age 5

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