4 year old họced to Trượt băng in 6 public Trượts on Balance Blades

Xuất bản 15/12/2016
This video chronicles a 4 year old họcing to skate on his own over 6 sunday public skating sessions. The skates he is using was the first prototype of the current model of Balance Blades. The skates performed so well that a small beginner kids skate business was started to offer the benefits of this skate to other kids and parents. Imagine your child not falling backwards while họcing to skate, that's Balance Blades. These unique beginner blades are designed to prevent rear falls and act as a học to skate aid. Parent's want your child to học to skate safer and sooner? Focused on your child's safety first, they take away parents worry, while giving your child confidence and ability. New in 2016 and only online, start your child on Balance Blades. There is a lot more to see on the website including professional and cutomer reviews. Please take a look. www.balanceblades.com
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Sân Trượt băng Thảo Điền

Sân băng Thảo Điền, Lầu 5, Vincom Mega Mall Thảo Điền, Số 161, Đường Xa Lộ Hà Nội, Phường Thảo Điền, Quận 2, TP Hồ Chí Minh.08.6285 2999 Ext. 7104 Sân trượt băng thật đầu tiên tại Sài Gòn, Website được thành lập từ những thành viên đam mê trượt băng Hockey, trượt băng nghệ thuật, nơi chia sẻ những...

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