Bond Girl, Yuna KIM!! [unversal sports] - trượt băng nghệ thuật

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Xuất bản 15/12/2016
☆Queen Yuna ☆2010 & 2014 Olympics trượt băng nghệ thuật Champion ☆Current Thế giới Best Scores Holder ☆Standing at the Podium in Every Competition she took part in. ☆One of Time's 100 Most Influential People, Hero in 2010 ☆International UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador ☆Honorary Citizen of Los Angeles ☆Yu-Na Kim Day is on August 7th in Los Angeles. ☆2010 Sportswoman of the Year Award by ESPN Women's Sports Foundation ☆2010 USSA Female Athlete of the Year ☆Special Olympic Global Ambassador ♣This is Not Olympics one, but Same Performance ♣2009 1st Grand Prix TEB - SP, 007 medley ♣ Yuna Kim's first skating at the olympics season ●Yuna's official site: ●Yuna's official channel: ●Yuna's Twitter: ●Yuna's Fan Twitter (FeversMedia): ●Yuna's Fan Facebook: ●Yuna's video channel (Fevers Forum): ●Yuna's senior programs and world best socres. [2006-2007 season] ---SP: El Tango de Roxanne (word best: "71.95" : 2007 world championships) ---FS: The Lark Ascending [2007-2008 Season] ---SP: Die Fledermaus ---FS: Miss Saigon (world best: "133.70" : 2007 cup of russia) [2008-2009 Season] ---SP: Danse Macabre (world best: "72.24" : 2009 4continents championships) (world best: "76.12" : 2009 world championships) ---FS: Scheherazade (total world best: "207.71" : 2009 world championships) [2009-2010 Season] ---SP: 007 Medley (world best: "76.28" : 2009 skate america) (world best: "78.50" : 2010 vancouver olympics) ---FS: George Gershwin Piano Concerto (world best: "133.95" : 2009 trophee eric bompard) (world best: "150.06" : 2010 vancouver olympics) (total world best: "210.03" : 2009 trophee eric bompard) (total world best: "228.56" : 2010 vancouver olympics) [2010-2011 season] --SP: Giselle --FS: Homage to Korea [2012-2013 season] --SP: Kiss of the Vampire --FS: Les Miserables [2013-2014 season] --SP: Send in the Clowns --FS: Adios Nonino Queen Yuna korea korean figure skater yunakim kim kimyuna yu-na yu na skating ice iceskating 김연아 Olympics olympic winter triple jump 3-3 combination vancouver 007 Medley Bond girl grand prix TEB trophee eric bompard yu na short program sp France juna ju-na ju na kim Vancouver olympic figure skating figure skater lutz jump triple jump キムヨナ 金妍兒 gold medalist goldmedalist moscow world worlds wc 오마주 투 코리아 오마쥬 지젤 모스크바 월드 챔피언십
skater figure skating winter na olympic jump Yu-Na 2010 triple Yuna Kim 김연아 short program Vancouver yu combination korea France girl korean yunakim kimyuna 3-3 007 Medley Bond TEB trophee eric bompard Grand Prix goldmedalist

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