7 year old Trượt băngr's First Preliminary Competition

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Xuất bản 15/12/2016
The Cherub looked so beautiful in her first competition at Preliminary level. We feel like she skated really well artistically - which was her main goal for this competition because she really loves the performance side of skating (and honestly while she's skating a tenth of how much most of her competitors skate it's silly to expect much else). She thinks she'll be able to incorporate more facial expression as she gets more experienced too. Cherub's spins will likely be better and score higher in future comps and she'll upgrade her jumps and jump combinations with time too. Her program is still a pretty new work in progress choreographically but she feels really happy with her music. (Hopefully the judges don't penalise her for adding to the number of times they have to watch programs to this music lol). Click here to visit the LuckyFortune8Family channel: https://www.youtube.com/luckyfortune8family Click here to see Cherub compete Pairs with big brother Prince: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKyUcNgr2R7P9maIrGKAloWqtKy7aPabq Click here to see the skills required to pass the học-to-skate levels: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKyUcNgr2R7PpQz4xNO8FD8Lmy6UquP74 Click here for information on sponsoring the twins (and how to receive the freshest and most detailed LuckyFortune8Family gossip plus tokens of our appreciation like updates on our training and competition schedule; birthday shout outs; signed Christmas Cards; videos by request; or skype calls): https://www.patreon.com/LuckyFortune8Family Click here to find t-shirts fit for Ambitious Princesses and Boss Dudes: www.luckyfortune8family.spreadshirt.com
Australian ice skater preliminary preliminary figure skating figure skating preliminary preliminary competition preliminary ice skating Australian figure skater ice skating competition figure skating competition Towne Trophy skating competition young ice skater first preliminary competition ice skating preliminary

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