2014 STATE Figure Skating Competition: Preliminary Men

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Xuất bản 17/12/2016
9 year old Prince did so well so fast to get up to this level in time to compete at States!! It's so funny to go back and watch his wobbly first steps on ice just 18 months ago!! but you should have a look if you don't remember it: http://youtu.be/KX5W1pzGcIs Prince wasn't credited for his camel-scratch-back spin because his foot dipped below hip height, plus he lost marks for the fall - ending with a score of 12.82. He was a bit disappointed but he shouldn't have been!! 15th October, 2014 Coming soon: Our Halloween movie!!
2014 figure skating aussie skate preliminary figure skating preliminary Figure Skating Competition Australia skating competition preliminary men mens figure skating 9 year old state competition preliminary in figure skating preiminary figure skating

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